Thursday 14 November 2013


Times one never wish to see ,
Dreams escaping closed fists ,
And peace on a flee ,
Failure entrapping around ,
Heart wrenching words stinging like a bee .

Times one never wants to feel ,
Reality slowly uncovering ,
Uncasing disguised peels ,
Anger replacing soft emotions ,
Frustration putting back thrills .

Times one always wants to be far ,
Days swabbed in blue ,
Nights a big scare ,
Moments  approaching  like unwelcomed people ,
And matters getting perplexed which ought to be simple .

Times  like this will break in and out ,
People will keep blaming around ,
Affairs may get messy sometimes ,
You may get impeached even without any crime ,

So, What can One do in Times like these ?
Take a deep breath ,
Pray the Almighty .
Let the whole world get dirty or damp ,
Preserve your faith ,
And aflame your soul’s goodness lamp .
Times this will come and go ,
But never let your moral low .


  1. Loved it....its a matter of faith and self beliefe that keeps us ticking !!

  2. Yup circumstances don't adhere forever but our faith does ....

  3. Perfect poem! Loved it, Sushree. :)


Do scribble down few words motivates :)

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