Sunday 14 September 2014

Writing is its own reward.....

The  room was filled with books arranged in a neat manner. Speaking not only amongst  themselves but also about the possessor.
A man of thin built and advanced age emerged  behind the curtains after some time.

As he settled down for the interview, the young journalist interviewing him was impressed by his witty replies.
But the answer that really struck her was to this particular question where she wanted to know his feelings after receiving the award.

In a calm voice he answered “What can I say about my feelings after receiving this award, when writing is it’s own reward.”

Image: Google Images

For Write Tribe's ......

I am writing after quite some time and this quotation simply speaks out for me. Thank you WT for being the constant inspiration for bloggers :)


Do scribble down few words motivates :)

Strangers & Friends

The guavas weren't ripe enough his ambitions were surely the sun too craved laziness he never did through mud filled paths and f...