Saturday 19 April 2014


“Oh..your daughter is so quiet , lucky you are to get blessed with such an obedient child” said her preschool teacher lightening up her mother’s face with pride .

“Oh..your friend is so good , your sister is so nice , your daughter in law is so calm , your wife is so perfectly poised” followed the never ending praises for her year after year .

But nobody bothered , nobody asked , nobody cared , was it her compulsion or her choice or was she simply trapped inside that cage of praise .

And yesterday someone again said ….

“Oh your daughter …” she cut that person abruptly in the middle and uttered “ You know my daughter is everything but not at all quiet” and having said those few words a satiated smile lit up her face .


On this day of letter "Q"   

Linking up this post with A-Z Challenge 2014 and Ultimate Blog Challenge



  1. The shy ones hold the most inside them :)

  2. lol! No one is really all that quiet are they?! Great story!

  3. A well timed reply! Nice story.

  4. quite ones are usually the naughtiest once u get to know them :-D

  5. nice story and nice reply in the end,

    I am blogging at The Other Side

  6. Depends on whether it is the right time to be quiet!

  7. My mom always got to hear that I am the most quiet girl in class! I can so relate to this. :)

  8. I can relate to the quote very well, Sush... loving it !


Do scribble down few words motivates :)

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