Monday 28 April 2014


With tickets in her hands she walked at a very fast pace , expressing her eagerness to reach early 

Reaching on the door steps she knocked the door disturbing her mom’s afternoon nap and compelling her to wake up 

Seeing her daughter stand in front in an unexpected manner a feeling of surprise as well as panic got  instilled in her mother’s mind 

“Enough of struggle Mama , it’s time we treat ourselves” she said holding on to her hands and handing over the tickets

Few drops of happiness escaped through her black pristine eyes spreading a gentle smile and making her  look forward for the Xmas vacation with her super busy daughter in a far off place



  1. Beautiful and cute post, Doc:) A surprise sparkling smile and joy on the face of the mother:)

  2. How sweetly the mom's expectations were fulfilled by the daughter! A nice one, Sushree..

  3. This is so sweet ... loved it :-)

  4. Ah ! Once in a while, we need to treat ourselves, to know that we're still alive and happy deep within !


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