Saturday 22 March 2014


Someday I will come ,
Breaking free ,
From the clutches of fate ,
Resolving inviolable strands ,
Ignoring those piercing voices ,
Slipping away beneath the sand .
Someday I wish ,
To feel the grass ,
Beneath my feet ,
Touched  by the fresh drops of dew ,
Sparkling on flowers ,
Shining near the meadow .
Someday I hope ,
To sit back in leisure ,
Sewing new dreams ,
On this big blue canvass ,
Spread all over ,
Where clouds of distinct shapes ,
Joyfully hover ,
Waiting to commingle ,
Together again ,
To purify self ,
In the sanctifying rain .
May be Some day….



  1. The imagery you created with your magical words makes everyone to look for that someday.Beautiful and enchanting lines.

  2. Thank you so much Sir ...for your beautiful encouraging words....
    Glad that you liked it :)


Do scribble down few words motivates :)

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